SVG sprite generator

SVG Sprite Generator allows you to pick vector icons and compile them into a single, optimized SVG sprite. Instead of loading an entire icon library, you can select only the images you need.

Select the icons you need for your project and hit download to save your sprite. Each download comes with a configuration file which you can always import to recreate the settings of your sprite later.

Create SVG sprite

1. Select icons

Select the icons you want to include in your sprite, or drag and drop a config.json file to restore selection settings of your previous download.

Drag and drop config.json file here

2. Download your sprite

Please select at least one icon before generating the sprite.

Code example

An SVG sprite is an external SVG file that contains a collection of SVG graphics wrapped in <symbol> tags. Each symbol has an id attribute so you can reference it later.

<!-- /path/to/sprite.svg -->
<svg xmlns="" style="display:none">
  <symbol id="circle" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
    <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="8" />
  <symbol id="square" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
    <rect width="16" height="16" />

To display an icon in an HTML file, all you need is its id.

<!-- index.html -->
<svg width="32" height="32">
  <use xlink:href="/path/to/sprite.svg#circle" />

SVG sprites and icon fonts

Advantages of SVG sprites:

  • Scalability and resolution independence: SVG icons are perfect for high-DPI and retina displays because they scale without losing quality.
  • Advanced styling: SVGs can be styled with CSS, allowing you to change properties like fill, stroke, width, and height. You can even use CSS animations.
  • Accessibility: SVGs are semantically richer than icon fonts. They can include attributes like aria-label for screen readers, making them more accessible.
  • Flexibility: You can use gradients, shadows, and complex shapes, which are not possible with icon fonts.
  • No font-related issues: Since they aren’t font files, SVGs avoid problems such as text selection, anti-aliasing, and rendering differences across browsers.

Advantages of icon fonts:

  • Easy to use: Using icon fonts is simple, especially if you’re already familiar with how web fonts work. You just include the icon using CSS classes or HTML entities, similar to regular text.
  • Browser compatibility: Icon fonts work across all browsers, even older ones, making them more consistent in terms of rendering.
  • Lightweight: Fonts are highly optimized, and using an icon font file is usually lighter than embedding multiple SVGs, especially for large sets of icons.